Our Offerings

WE GUIDE companies, executives, & influencers

as they root more deeply into wellness, social movements, and love.

WE STRENGTHEN the body, creativity & relationships.

WE RESTORE self efficacy & self worth.

WE BUILD community.

WE RENEW your sense of freedom & spirit.

WE (RE) ORGANIZE your values & priorities through private Yoga & wellness sessions; public & private events; marketing & social media campaigns; systems and operations management.

concierge yoga - private sessions corporate virtual studio sessions
event planning wellness & art events holiday parties drive corporate community events

20+ Years of learning & experience in

intercultural youth + family development,

marketing + management

& Yoga practice.

We offer companies, individuals,

families and friends,

ways in which to heal & create

healthy practices & routines,

conversations, and events

in our homes, communities,

& work spaces.

authentic social media

Our services are not therapy.

Although we do work in partnership

with licensed therapists.

Our offerings are Yoga based events,

consulting & organizing services that create

opportunity for reflection & discussion.